Machine Translation

Submitted Files

Criteria Meet Specification

All appropriate files are included in the submission.

The following files have been submitted:, machine_translation.ipynb, machine_translation.html


Criteria Meet Specification

The tokenize function has been implemented correctly.

The function tokenize returns tokenized input and the tokenized class.

The pad function has been implemented correctly.

The function pad returns padded input to the correct length.


Criteria Meet Specification

The simple_model function has been implemented correctly.

The function simple_model builds a basic RNN model.

The embed_model function has been implemented correctly.

The function embed_model builds a RNN model using word embedding.

The Embedding RNN makes a prediction on the dataset.

The Embedding RNN is trained on the dataset. A prediction using the model on the training dataset is printed in the notebook.

The bd_model function has been implemented correctly.

The function bd_model builds a bidirectional RNN model.

The Bidirectional RNN makes a prediction on the dataset.

The Bidirectional RNN is trained on the dataset. A prediction using the model on the training dataset is printed in the notebook.

The model_final function has been implemented correctly.

The function model_final builds and trains a model that incorporates embedding, and bidirectional RNN using the dataset.


Criteria Meet Specification

The final model correctly predicts both sentences.

The final model correctly predicts both sentences.